S is for: Siaiwh, water spirit

Siaiwh lighted in the deep dark below, surrounded by the bubbling laughter of siblings lighting. There was slow groaning all around from older spirits of earth, and quiet whispers from timeless spirits of dark. Always there was the built bubbling voice, the voice of the mother. Edanu was her mother, and her world. And Siaiwh … Continue reading S is for: Siaiwh, water spirit

R is for: Raethmoor

Raethmoor is the northernmost settlement in the Old Crown, commanding a pass through the northern mountains. It has a reputation for the mystical, thanks in large part to the Arcanist Scholarium that dominates the southern half of the town. Raethmoor is built in and around the remains of a large, ancient complex of structures, believed … Continue reading R is for: Raethmoor

Q is for: Queenstown

As the capital, Queenstown is perhaps the jewel of the Old Crown, though in recent decades that jewel has become more tarnished and dull. The settlement itself has been called Kingstown and Queenstown as it passed between heirs to the suldaanate. Following the disappearance of the last heir on the night before she became suldaana, … Continue reading Q is for: Queenstown

P is for: Peppertown

Peppertown is a young trading post, quickly becoming the capital of trade for the Spice Islands. Mercantile interests from the Old Crown, the City of Festivals and Istan have all begun to move into the Spice Islands in the last few decades, eager to profit from the island chain's abundant wildlife, and above all the … Continue reading P is for: Peppertown

O is for: Oathed

Those who dedicate their lives to one of the Ascended Host make a lasting pact with their chosen patron, becoming Oathed in their service. Swearing of bonds and oaths is a central part of the society of the Old Crown and across the known world since the days of the Lizardfolk Empire. Warriors would swear … Continue reading O is for: Oathed

N is for: the Noble Households

The Noble Households of the Old Crown are the descendants of the officers commanding the Istan invasion, along with the leaders of the tribes of their Desh allies. Whilst the warleader of the Desh and Istani eventually became the boqor of both, his descendants took up the title of suldaan. His most able commanders were … Continue reading N is for: the Noble Households

M is for: Murid and Murshid

The Murid are those Oathed sworn not only to an Ascended but also to an order of fellow mortals dedicated to the ideals of one or more of the Host. They date back many centuries, and those most prevalent in the Old Crown tend to trace their traditions back to the old Istani Kingdoms. The … Continue reading M is for: Murid and Murshid

L is for: Lizardfolk

Bred to be the enforcers of the will of the Oon, the Lizardfolk once ruled over the largest empire of the known world. The Lizardfolk are perhaps the most ancient of the races if the world, legends saying that the Oon brought their enforcers with them from wherever they came, rather than creating them after … Continue reading L is for: Lizardfolk

K is for: Kingsmeet

The town of Kingsmeet sits on a natural ford in the Edanu. In the times of the Desh and Moorish, when the river marked the edge of each tribe's territory, Kingsmeet was where the King's and wayleaves of each would meet to settle old grudges, end wars, and infrequently start new ones. The town is … Continue reading K is for: Kingsmeet

J is for: Jhomal ab-Braetha, Agent of the Willow Court

"My name is Jhomal. For several years now, my life has not been my own. I was once a petty thief, but I had dreams. I travelled, trying to keep ahead of any bad reputations. I changed my name more than once, for what little good it did me in the end. When they caught … Continue reading J is for: Jhomal ab-Braetha, Agent of the Willow Court

G is for: Gargants

The great clans on the Gargants once inhabited the mountains of the North and far west, but since the foundation of the Old Crown they have become increasingly common across the plains and forests, and a great many in Queenstown itself. The Gargants stand at least a head taller than the more numerous races encountered … Continue reading G is for: Gargants

F is for: Forgotten Gods

Over the course of history, many gods have risen, and so too many have fallen. Forgotten gods are those gods who have been left behind by the world. Their followers were destroyed by plague or war, or even the God was laid low by one of their rivals. But you cannot truly kill an immortal … Continue reading F is for: Forgotten Gods

E is for: Edanu

The great river Edanu flows from the high western peaks of the Drakeback mountains  down across the plains of the Old Crown, finally flowing out to the ocean via the Whorl and the great bay of Queenstown. Along its course, the Edanu skirts the edges of Wick Holdings on the far side of the Drakebacks, … Continue reading E is for: Edanu

D is for: Daebru, daimon, jinn and other spirits

Sit down, child. We'll begin your lesson with talk of the spirits. The spirits have lots of names. Spirits, jinn, daebru, peria, and of course daimon. But each of them are very different forms of spirits. All spirits live in another place, a world separate to ours. To them we are shadows flickering by, and … Continue reading D is for: Daebru, daimon, jinn and other spirits

A is for: Arcanists

After years of quiet and careful study, Arcanists are able to manipulate magikal energy. Focusing upon the study of rituals and ancient, half-understood techniques, each Arcanist is eventually able to tap into the raw power of one of the two purest elements known - Light and Dark. Only the most legendary Arcanists has ever been … Continue reading A is for: Arcanists