RPGaDay 2020 prompt 2 – Change

Times change, things change, rules change. It's weird that we'd have to spell that out. So, I'm going to ignore the pretty obvious 'changes in D&D' topic for now, since I've covered it recently. I'm going to use this prompt to look at different ideas I've had and how they might affect changes to stuff … Continue reading RPGaDay 2020 prompt 2 – Change

Late to the party: RPGaDay 2019 prompt 26

"Idea" I have a habit of leaping onto a new idea before I've finished with an old one, and then I end up with several plates spinning at once. Inevitably, stuff falls down and I don't actually notice. I've been going through my old draft posts and various notes folders on Dropbox and Google Drive … Continue reading Late to the party: RPGaDay 2019 prompt 26

RPGaDay2018 – Day 13 to 19

Onto part 3 / week 3 but I'm still behind! Oh well, it'll get finished eventually. #RPGaDay2018 - Day 13! DESCRIBE how your play has evolved I think the main change has been familiarity with the hobby and what it involves, and going from slow and nervous start to awesome tabletop badass is natural after … Continue reading RPGaDay2018 – Day 13 to 19

RPGaDay2018 – Day 13 to 19

Onto part 3 / week 3 but I'm still behind! Oh well, it'll get finished eventually.DESCRIBE how your play has evolvedI think the main change has been familiarity with the hobby and what it involves, and going from slow and nervous start to awesome tabletop badass is natural after 18+ years.That being said, introductions to … Continue reading RPGaDay2018 – Day 13 to 19

Department 7

So, I've played a lot of games with Department 7 as a central focus. When d20 Modern was new, I ran a few different X-Files style games, with the players working for a mysterious Department 7. Sometimes they were a subsidiary of the FBI (I think they were some kind of "Frontline Division Department 7" … Continue reading Department 7


Recently I feel like I've been dumping a lot of my ideas out of my head and onto storage, which is useful for me but maybe a bit like cluttering up the place for other people? Regardless, here's another idea I've been dreaming up for a few years, on and off, but only have a … Continue reading Polyalbion