Late to the party: RPGaDay 2019 prompt 21

"Vast" File this one with prompt 5 as well, however maybe a bit more to say here. So I can often have a problem in that I plan too much, or dream up settings and games that are just too big, too much going on, not enough for players to actually latch on to. I … Continue reading Late to the party: RPGaDay 2019 prompt 21

Draft One Page Campaign Opener – The Endless Sea

The shining Aetherium saltwaters of the Endless Sea are a nexus for lost seafarers, washed away in storms, trapped in long calms, and turned around by thick fogs.Finding oneself in the endless sea is the easy part of course. No one is known to leave the waters, at least alive. The islands of the Endless … Continue reading Draft One Page Campaign Opener – The Endless Sea

Come Hell or High Water – More filler

So I had another week of unexpected low turnout. How did I cope? Well, I picked up my phone, pulled up some content and randomly rolled some events. Afterwards, I realised the general structure of the session mirrored the last one somewhat, but I think we pulled it off. So, using this handy list of … Continue reading Come Hell or High Water – More filler

Come Hell or High Water – the Screaming Skull

So, the plan was to make some player buy-in by having them add in some details and faces for the next island, having been settled there for some time before we picked up the game again. I was thinking something a bit reminiscent of city creation in Dresden Files. Unfortunately, it looked like most of … Continue reading Come Hell or High Water – the Screaming Skull

Come Hell or High Water – Bouyan VI

For the purposes of actually having a sizeable chunk to write about, I've condensed a couple of sessions of the game together into this post. So, the party were in the palace prison and had released a whole lot of people from the dungeons. Whilst some stayed to provide a safe fallback position, the rest … Continue reading Come Hell or High Water – Bouyan VI

Magic Item – Chaos (Crossbow) Bolts

You may remember that recently, one of my players brewed up a strange purple potion and tipped his crossbow bolts with it. Well, he seems to have forgotten, as he hasn't used any in recent uprisings in the Palace, however I thought I'd set out what I'd given him. Given the pretty chaotic nature of … Continue reading Magic Item – Chaos (Crossbow) Bolts

Come Hell or High Water – Bouyan V

OK, time for a prison break! The group crept through the streets shortly after daybreak, heading towards the docks. With the one human in the group wearing borrowed town guard armour and working as a scout, they managed to make their way through the back streets to the house of Baba, the midwife and cleric … Continue reading Come Hell or High Water – Bouyan V

Planning ahead – Come Hell or High Water

So the point of an island-hopping adventure is to island-hop, but so far we've only seen two islands - Ys and Bouyan.When they left Ys, I gave my players a choice of direction, or two islands, and they picked Bouyan - but that was actually a mistake on m part, because I gave them a … Continue reading Planning ahead – Come Hell or High Water

Come Hell or High Water – Bouyan IVa

This was a mostly roleplay session, and pretty short. The Vechernaya sisters called out to the other priests of the island, and summoned a lot of junior worshippers of the old gods to the temple.Meanwhile, Blind Nico called his men and a map was drawn to plan the next phase. Before the party's attack on … Continue reading Come Hell or High Water – Bouyan IVa

Come Hell or High Water – Bouyan IV

After resting, the party headed back to town with surprising speed. Baba Yaga's hut had disappeared but the tracks went upstream. Arriving at the edge of the forest caused a stir in the hands in the field. When the party got closer, they saw the foreman run off towards the gate and have a conversation - … Continue reading Come Hell or High Water – Bouyan IV

Come Hell or High Water – Bouyan III

So, the party had found itself on Baba Yaga's front porch. (For reasons of group flexibility, the Tabaxi Bard has always been there, and suddenly is a Gnome...) Baba Yaga invites the group inside because she likes distractions and she's in a good mood. The inside of the hut is bigger than the outside. There … Continue reading Come Hell or High Water – Bouyan III

Come Hell or High Water – Bouyan II

So where were we? The Tiefling Cleric and the Gnome Fighter left the shops and headed to the pub, meeting up with the rest of the party. The Tabaxi Fighter was trying to cheat people at a game of Liar's Dice and failing, the Human Ranger and the Kobold Warlock were busy drinking, and then … Continue reading Come Hell or High Water – Bouyan II

Come Hell or High Water – Bouyan I

Well, things got off to a shaky start as we had to move play location, and the new place was a little noisy and slow to start. I got the gang leveled up, and added a couple of new players. The full party (and I really don't have enough space for anyone new!) is: Tiefling … Continue reading Come Hell or High Water – Bouyan I

Come Hell or High Water – the fall of Ys

So, session one of my new game. How did that go? Well, we ended up with a pretty mixed party. I thought having the only PHB races available as Human, Gnome and Tiefling would give us a pretty mixed bag - but instead I have a party of five and one of each! A Human … Continue reading Come Hell or High Water – the fall of Ys

Come Hell or High Water

Well, a shortage of DMs means I've agreed to stick my oar in - time to run a game of the Endless Sea and see where it goes. So far, I know I'm running a session 0 / 1, so going to do some character creation and run the escape from Ys as it sinks … Continue reading Come Hell or High Water

RPGaDay2018 – Day 13 to 19

Onto part 3 / week 3 but I'm still behind! Oh well, it'll get finished eventually. #RPGaDay2018 - Day 13! DESCRIBE how your play has evolved I think the main change has been familiarity with the hobby and what it involves, and going from slow and nervous start to awesome tabletop badass is natural after … Continue reading RPGaDay2018 – Day 13 to 19

RPGaDay2018 – Day 13 to 19

Onto part 3 / week 3 but I'm still behind! Oh well, it'll get finished eventually.DESCRIBE how your play has evolvedI think the main change has been familiarity with the hobby and what it involves, and going from slow and nervous start to awesome tabletop badass is natural after 18+ years.That being said, introductions to … Continue reading RPGaDay2018 – Day 13 to 19

Accidentally other settings

So, it feels like a good few of the D&D settings I've worked on recently are variations of other settings that I haven't played. Yeah, fun right? Cambria - post-apocalyptic cityscape rewilded by a dense forest. Arcane magic is illegal, instead, there's psionics. Which is a bit like Dark Sun, in a forest instead of … Continue reading Accidentally other settings

State of the Endless Sea

It seems like a bit of a grab-bag this one, lions tigers and bears oh my! But I think it should work out well as a setting. I have a handful of potential tweaks, but here's the deal as of right now. Races: I'm happy with my core list of Humans, Changelings, Genasi, Goblins, Gnomes, Kenku, … Continue reading State of the Endless Sea

Factions in the Endless Sea

The problem with the Factions in play in the Endless Sea is that, unlike the Factions in Cambria, they're much more local. The rulers of Lyonesse or Iram of the Pillars or Baochuan or Ravenser Odd - whoever they might be - are going to be factions. The various thieves or political advisors or merchants … Continue reading Factions in the Endless Sea