Guest starring the Priest

The Priest made his first appearance in a long while to our weekly game, so here's a brief overview of what happened.The Mortal was in The Bar, along with the Tanninomancer, despite their history of not getting along. The Priest walked in, having felt an impending doom. He recognises the Mortal from many many months … Continue reading Guest starring the Priest

Dresden Update

So what's happening in the Dresden game?The Lycanthrope is out of town, trying to track down someone named Sharkey. The Mayor has meanwhile made his presence, and corruption, known to the Mortal.The Apprentice has repaired the stuffed rabbit that may or may not still contain the ghost of the old necromancer. She has also apologised … Continue reading Dresden Update

Setting as yet unrevealed

I've been working on a blog post for a while about the sci-fi setting I have in my head. Unfortunately, it gives away far too much about the setting because it says which novel series I'm ripping off. And then the players would be able to research things. (Though I have some suspicions right now … Continue reading Setting as yet unrevealed

New Year, New Dresden Files Campaign

It's the new year, so we began a new story arc in our Dresden Files characters' lives.First up, the underhanded criminal duo, the Mortal and the Lycanthrope, have become fine upstanding businessmen, owning several nightclubs and bars. Although, they do of course have a side dealing in supplying places they don't own with narcotics of … Continue reading New Year, New Dresden Files Campaign

Sands of FATE development

Hello potential new readers.My pseudo-Arabian Nights game is currently sitting in a folder on my desktop marked Sands of FATE. I'm not happy with the name, it's far too close to Strands of Fate, but it will do for now whilst I continue the development.I've run a couple of playtest games with my Dresden Files … Continue reading Sands of FATE development

Wrapping up the Dresden Files from before the winter break

Ok, so I've gotten a little lax with posting this past little while. Blame a whole slew of things, but mostly Skyrim. It's been far too long to write a detailed account of what exactly happened, but I can detail it with some obvious highlights.The Mexican got a lot closer to the horrorific wildfae Bill … Continue reading Wrapping up the Dresden Files from before the winter break

Wednesday Dresdnesday

Yes, I mispelt the title on purpose! This week a very interesting time was had in Nevermore. Also, mildly scary. I'll begin with the new character, who had to leave early and didn't get to interact with the rest of the group. We shall call him Mr Demon. Guess what he does? Mr Demon works … Continue reading Wednesday Dresdnesday

Yet more Dresden

I'm a bit behind on collecting together my thoughts, but here's the recap of Wednesday's session.Crazy Mexican sorcerer attends the Priest's first mass in his new chapel. It does not go well for the mostly elderly congregation, as their hearing aids cease to function due to hexing. Priest is most unimpressed, but after mass gets … Continue reading Yet more Dresden

More Dresden

Another week and another adventure in Nevermore Baltimore. This time things got a little more interesting.A new player joined us, setting himself up as a new priest in town. I spent my time looking for faeries and any and all information on them.Mexican sorcerer knew about them, had talked to them, and we somehow ended … Continue reading More Dresden

Story of a Young Bushi: My first impressions of L5R (written circa 2006)

(Originally published December 1st 2006)Otaku Kiyomaro saw to his family's horses. They would need to be prepared for the spring and the long ride home.The Winter Court of this Lion clan stronghold had been largely uneventful. Peace reigned, families met, clans exchanged words which would no doubt lead to fighting come the following autumn, a … Continue reading Story of a Young Bushi: My first impressions of L5R (written circa 2006)