Dima the Crow at level 3

So another session and another level, not so much combat this session, but I picked up a magical violin that looks pretty, which fits the "no, I'm a bard, honest" theme I had going. So I can ditch the wooden flute I had now. I still have that annoyingly cursed dagger though. Where to next? … Continue reading Dima the Crow at level 3

Dima the Crow

So, it looks like I get to play D&D. And it's set in Innistrad, the horror setting for Magic the Gathering. So, I've built a Nephalian Warlock pledged to the Raven Queen (pure Poe goodness), called him Dmitry/Dima, and we'll see how it goes. I've not played a Warlock before, so I'm not sure if … Continue reading Dima the Crow

State of the Old Crown

Continuing the theme of what's currently going on with my thinking for various projects, what's going on with the Old Crown? Not much, it turns out.   The biggest development was me changing the map around a bit more. It made less sense for the home of the Wildfolk, who are part plant, to be … Continue reading State of the Old Crown

City takeover

The other day, I ended up having a scroll through some old blog posts and one caught my eye that I'd completely forgotten about. Since I've written that post, new novels about that hinted-at history have begun rolling out, but I'm ignoring those until I get my hands on a copy!   Anyway, the point … Continue reading City takeover

Vikings! An Update

My great habits of updating often have suddenly fallen by the wayside. I'm claiming it's because of only having a semi-functional keyboard, but I could still use the phone or my tablet (as I am now)  if I really wanted to. I've been very slowly thinking about the space viking game. I've had a rethink … Continue reading Vikings! An Update


I've been thinking a lot lately about a Viking-styled d&d game, and I've come up with a few ideas. However, since I've also been playing a lot of Mass Effect, been reading some of Marvel's Battle world stuff and thinking about the Thor Corps, AND partly inspired by the article over on the D&D website, … Continue reading Vikings… IN SPAAAAAACE!

Y is for: Yaninda

The known world, the realm of mortals, is not the only part of existence. The spirits live on an adjacent place, a place that some few are able to pierce through to with magikal power. These world's beside the realm of mortals are known as Yaninda. Ancient legends speak of such places, such as the … Continue reading Y is for: Yaninda

W is for: Witchblood

In the Old Crown, those touched by a lineage of magikal power are known as Witchbloods. Whilst hereditary, sometimes the witchblood skips generations only to appear again. Long ago, the natural order of the world brought forth individuals who had innate magikal abilities. Some speculate it may have been caused by interference by the legendary … Continue reading W is for: Witchblood

T is for: the Tiles

The tiles are used in all manner of games, for fun and for stakes. They are popular with children and adults of all levels of society, and the only differences found are in the quality of the tiles and the types of games played. The tiles have a long history, going back to old Istan. … Continue reading T is for: the Tiles

S is for: Siaiwh, water spirit

Siaiwh lighted in the deep dark below, surrounded by the bubbling laughter of siblings lighting. There was slow groaning all around from older spirits of earth, and quiet whispers from timeless spirits of dark. Always there was the built bubbling voice, the voice of the mother. Edanu was her mother, and her world. And Siaiwh … Continue reading S is for: Siaiwh, water spirit

R is for: Raethmoor

Raethmoor is the northernmost settlement in the Old Crown, commanding a pass through the northern mountains. It has a reputation for the mystical, thanks in large part to the Arcanist Scholarium that dominates the southern half of the town. Raethmoor is built in and around the remains of a large, ancient complex of structures, believed … Continue reading R is for: Raethmoor

O is for: Oathed

Those who dedicate their lives to one of the Ascended Host make a lasting pact with their chosen patron, becoming Oathed in their service. Swearing of bonds and oaths is a central part of the society of the Old Crown and across the known world since the days of the Lizardfolk Empire. Warriors would swear … Continue reading O is for: Oathed

M is for: Murid and Murshid

The Murid are those Oathed sworn not only to an Ascended but also to an order of fellow mortals dedicated to the ideals of one or more of the Host. They date back many centuries, and those most prevalent in the Old Crown tend to trace their traditions back to the old Istani Kingdoms. The … Continue reading M is for: Murid and Murshid

H is for: the Host

The Ascended Host is the pantheon of gods worshipped across the known world. Each of the gods was once a mortal, and through many different methods of apotheosis has transformed, transcended their mortality and Ascended to godhood. The individual members of the Host do not have a purview over certain facets of life. There is … Continue reading H is for: the Host

D is for: Daebru, daimon, jinn and other spirits

Sit down, child. We'll begin your lesson with talk of the spirits. The spirits have lots of names. Spirits, jinn, daebru, peria, and of course daimon. But each of them are very different forms of spirits. All spirits live in another place, a world separate to ours. To them we are shadows flickering by, and … Continue reading D is for: Daebru, daimon, jinn and other spirits

A is for: Arcanists

After years of quiet and careful study, Arcanists are able to manipulate magikal energy. Focusing upon the study of rituals and ancient, half-understood techniques, each Arcanist is eventually able to tap into the raw power of one of the two purest elements known - Light and Dark. Only the most legendary Arcanists has ever been … Continue reading A is for: Arcanists

Magic in the Old Crown: A quick overview of how it fits together

Here are a quick few thoughts on how magic is now working in the setting. I'm not throwing rules in with this yet, as I'm still working some of them out. This is more for flavour. First, a word on elements of magic/nature. The forces of elemental magic at work in the Old Crown, and … Continue reading Magic in the Old Crown: A quick overview of how it fits together

The Dead Nights

The high holiday of Lady Death, the Dead Nights see the moon disappear from the night sky, and angry spirits manifest across the world. Powerful witches are able to dream travel to the shores of the dead with ease and without ritual, and the spirits of departed relatives sometimes appear in mortal dreams. It is … Continue reading The Dead Nights

Ser Coranth School for the Furtherance of Knowledge and Wisardry

Following my idea the other day, here's what I've piled together so far.First of all, apologies to Patrick Rothfuss for some of the more blatant plagiarism homage. It is well meaning, I'm sure you'll understand. As I'm working this, it's becoming a little less Rothfuss - there's a Goblin warren beneath the school, so it's … Continue reading Ser Coranth School for the Furtherance of Knowledge and Wisardry

Schools of thought

I've talked before about my desire to run a game centred around a school of magic, but I spent a long bus journey today thinking more on the subject, so here's what I have so far.Taking careful aim with the FATE rules, adapting them slightly from Dresden Files (for now), and borrowing heavily from various … Continue reading Schools of thought