Taking a temporary step back

So I think I’ve come to a difficult decision: I’m going to reduce my blog output again.

Between a tantrum-y toddler who’s cutting back on his naps and trying his best to avoid bedtime in the evenings, plus work on other writing projects, I’m going to cut the blog down to a once a week format.

That should give me the time to write longer posts and make it feel like less of a chore to make sure there’s something appearing in people’s feeds, and hopefully make me better at hitting my personal deadlines (they make such fun whooshing sounds as they go by!).

My current plan is to keep the Saturday posts, since that’s when people tend to have more time to read. Hopefully I can ramp stuff back up in the near future and get back into the groove with regular updates.
There may even be a bonus post or two on a Wednesday in the meantime.

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