More Ginnungagap

I completely forgot about the alternate factions I’d come up with so far!


So I’ve got the Iron Brotherhood, the Black Network, and the Combine Council.

The Iron Brotherhood are mercenaries and warriors, sort of fill the role of the Order of the Gauntlet. But depending on the locality, they might be the local constabulary or a nasty gang. The Brotherhood is one of might, so in some places they might be ‘might makes right’ or the will to protect, but in others they might use their power to lord over others.

The Black Network is the switch for the Zhentarim. They’re a shifty alliance of thieves guilds and outlaws, bounty hunters and scoundrels that broker in rumours and secrets, and backstab where necessary.

The Combine Council is a network of leaders trying to do the best they can in the face of a loss of order from the gods. They replace the Lords’ Alliance.


I’m debating something about Skalds and wizards to replace the Harpers, though I’ve no idea what they would be yet. Given that I stole the name of the Iron Brotherhood from a Visigoth song, I might just have to hunt around on Spotify for some ideas.

And I have no idea for the Emerald Enclave, or replacing them or whatever. It seems like it should be easy, and I might not even replace them but just use them as they are (if, of course, I were to use factions at all.)

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