Borrowed mechanics – 20 Questions for Player Characters in D&D

Once again stealing some ideas from another blog, but going in an entirely different direction, Gnome Stew had a recent post about using twenty questions to help build up a character for roleplaying.Now, the basis for that post was Amber, a diceless system that's pretty popular. I've never played that though. I have, however, played … Continue reading Borrowed mechanics – 20 Questions for Player Characters in D&D

Planning ahead – Come Hell or High Water

So the point of an island-hopping adventure is to island-hop, but so far we've only seen two islands - Ys and Bouyan.When they left Ys, I gave my players a choice of direction, or two islands, and they picked Bouyan - but that was actually a mistake on m part, because I gave them a … Continue reading Planning ahead – Come Hell or High Water