Late to the party: RPGaDay 2019 prompt 26

"Idea" I have a habit of leaping onto a new idea before I've finished with an old one, and then I end up with several plates spinning at once. Inevitably, stuff falls down and I don't actually notice. I've been going through my old draft posts and various notes folders on Dropbox and Google Drive … Continue reading Late to the party: RPGaDay 2019 prompt 26

Mages everywhere – The Goon Squad

Ok, so I've been running a few ideas around my head since the last post and I think I've come up with something now. This is an idea I have for an adventure, just a very basic seed at the moment. Players take on the role of a character in a group of enforcers, but … Continue reading Mages everywhere – The Goon Squad

Mages everywhere

So, a good few years ago, I wrote something about a magic college I had in mind, and that never saw a moment of play. Stealing Borrowing heavily from Rothfuss, who I was obviously reading at the time, and Rowling and Dresden Files, it was an idea for a school of private learning for some … Continue reading Mages everywhere