Draft One Page Campaign Opener – Ginnungagap

The many atmosphere processing plants have mysteriously shut down, and without them the air of Midgard is quickly becoming colder. In the past, the gods or their representatives would have arrived to repair the ancient mechanisms in short order. None have arrived this time. The age of the Fimbulwinter has come. The gods have grown … Continue reading Draft One Page Campaign Opener – Ginnungagap

Ideas for Loge’s Warlock Patron

So I've been mulling this over recently, I never really settled on a patron for Loge. I figured he had no idea he was a warlock yet, made a pact he didn't remember to get out of the City of Brass or something, or was somehow tricked into it for the same reason. But then … Continue reading Ideas for Loge’s Warlock Patron

More Space Viking Nonsense

Well, I've bought myself a cheap USB keyboard and I can actually write these posts easily again!, so I've started pulling the various strands together, and tried to collate something that could actually play. The biggest issue that I currently have is that I'm really enjoying the setting and how it's forming, and whilst I have some … Continue reading More Space Viking Nonsense