How to DM III – What are we playing?

I'm going to cheat a little bit with this post, but we'll circle back later on and hopefully make it right!I've called this series How to DM, so we're going to start by looking at Dungeon Masters - which means we're playing Dungeons and Dragons, since it's super popular and a known gateway to playing … Continue reading How to DM III – What are we playing?

Dungeons and Dragons Session Zero for 2020

I brought this up a couple of times during the RPGaDay 2019 prompts, but I need to actively plan my next DM session zero, whenever it might be, and think about what I want to bring to it. First and foremost, let's talk about the big topic going around at the moment - fantasy races.I … Continue reading Dungeons and Dragons Session Zero for 2020

Late to the party: RPGaDay 2019 prompt 21

"Vast" File this one with prompt 5 as well, however maybe a bit more to say here. So I can often have a problem in that I plan too much, or dream up settings and games that are just too big, too much going on, not enough for players to actually latch on to. I … Continue reading Late to the party: RPGaDay 2019 prompt 21