M is for: Murid and Murshid

The Murid are those Oathed sworn not only to an Ascended but also to an order of fellow mortals dedicated to the ideals of one or more of the Host. They date back many centuries, and those most prevalent in the Old Crown tend to trace their traditions back to the old Istani Kingdoms. The … Continue reading M is for: Murid and Murshid

H is for: the Host

The Ascended Host is the pantheon of gods worshipped across the known world. Each of the gods was once a mortal, and through many different methods of apotheosis has transformed, transcended their mortality and Ascended to godhood. The individual members of the Host do not have a purview over certain facets of life. There is … Continue reading H is for: the Host

The Dead Nights

The high holiday of Lady Death, the Dead Nights see the moon disappear from the night sky, and angry spirits manifest across the world. Powerful witches are able to dream travel to the shores of the dead with ease and without ritual, and the spirits of departed relatives sometimes appear in mortal dreams. It is … Continue reading The Dead Nights

Gods, Goddesses and Ascension

Today I'm going to talk about the various deities present in the setting, some of their teachings, symbols, and things like that.The first thing to note about the different gods and goddesses is that they are not referred to by name, only by a title. The use of a 'Godsname' allows an amount of power … Continue reading Gods, Goddesses and Ascension