Draft One Page Campaign Opener – Twixt Flower and Thorn

The invaders were lucky, in some respects. Their dire portal opened to a meadow in which they could decamp and move large materials easily. They had brought slave labour in the form of podlings - those changelings they had found in their own realm and destroyed with their dark arcanery. Had they but arrived in … Continue reading Draft One Page Campaign Opener – Twixt Flower and Thorn

Draft One Page Campaign Opener – Twin Cities

The Twin Cities. The Crossroads. The City of Bridges. None of the titles of the city truly does it justice. This is a unique point in the world, a crossroads, where those of royal blood are able to visit a strange half-world of an immense, ornate metropolis.The City Between is accessible from not one but … Continue reading Draft One Page Campaign Opener – Twin Cities