Thoughts on the LevelUp 5e Playtest IX – Warlord

It's finally time to go beyond levels 1-10, and with a new class no less! The Warlord is a new build of the 4e core class of the same name. That class was a fighter who could buff their allies in a similar way to bards but without magic, and had some cool battlefield control … Continue reading Thoughts on the LevelUp 5e Playtest IX – Warlord

Thoughts on the LevelUp 5e Playtest IV – Druid

No sooner had I started work on the Rogue playtest than the Druid document dropped as well - so we're on to the Druid. The quick skim has it being pretty druid-y. I like some of the blurbs on different kinds of druids and the suggestion of finding the reason your character became a druid … Continue reading Thoughts on the LevelUp 5e Playtest IV – Druid