Come Hell or High Water – Bouyan III

So, the party had found itself on Baba Yaga's front porch. (For reasons of group flexibility, the Tabaxi Bard has always been there, and suddenly is a Gnome...) Baba Yaga invites the group inside because she likes distractions and she's in a good mood. The inside of the hut is bigger than the outside. There … Continue reading Come Hell or High Water – Bouyan III

Come Hell or High Water – Bouyan II

So where were we? The Tiefling Cleric and the Gnome Fighter left the shops and headed to the pub, meeting up with the rest of the party. The Tabaxi Fighter was trying to cheat people at a game of Liar's Dice and failing, the Human Ranger and the Kobold Warlock were busy drinking, and then … Continue reading Come Hell or High Water – Bouyan II