Come Hell or High Water – Bouyan VI

For the purposes of actually having a sizeable chunk to write about, I've condensed a couple of sessions of the game together into this post. So, the party were in the palace prison and had released a whole lot of people from the dungeons. Whilst some stayed to provide a safe fallback position, the rest … Continue reading Come Hell or High Water – Bouyan VI

Come Hell or High Water – Bouyan V

OK, time for a prison break! The group crept through the streets shortly after daybreak, heading towards the docks. With the one human in the group wearing borrowed town guard armour and working as a scout, they managed to make their way through the back streets to the house of Baba, the midwife and cleric … Continue reading Come Hell or High Water – Bouyan V

Come Hell or High Water – Bouyan II

So where were we? The Tiefling Cleric and the Gnome Fighter left the shops and headed to the pub, meeting up with the rest of the party. The Tabaxi Fighter was trying to cheat people at a game of Liar's Dice and failing, the Human Ranger and the Kobold Warlock were busy drinking, and then … Continue reading Come Hell or High Water – Bouyan II